Our Properties, Projects and Partnerships - Midhurst Community Land Trust

Affordable Housing for the Midhurst Area


Wyndham Court off Lamberts Lane, Midhurst

The Midhurst Community Land Trust bought their first two houses in Midhurst, the first such CLT purchase in Sussex in 2021. The tenancies of our houses off Lamberts Lane have been occupied for the past two years by families from the area and we are delighted that they are very happy in their new homes in Wyndham Court.

The houses were developed by award-winning Metis Homes who have a successful history of developments in the area.


We are pleased to announce that we are in the final stages of purchasing 6 one-bedroom and 2 two-bedroom apartments in Easebourne to make available to local residents.

The Trust will rent the apartments at 70% of the relevant market rate. It is expected that the first apartments will be ready at the end of the year. They are designed to support working families and individuals from the area and are also available to key workers, essential for health services and the economy

As soon as information becomes available on our developments and the availability of accommodation, we will publish it on our housing and accommodation page and through our Facebook page.

Commenting of the new homes, Adrian Moore, the Trust’s chairman said, “We are really grateful to both Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority, for their exceptional help, plus the kind support of two local charities, in enabling us to buy these new houses. They will make a difference, in an area of high rents, in providing rented accommodation for those who want to live and work in the Midhurst area.”

This is our second venture with Metis Homes and we are very pleased to be working with them again. Metis Homes Managing Director Adam O’Brien said in a recent meeting we had with him, “We are keen to continue to deliver more affordable homes for the CLT following the success of the first units we built for you at Lamberts Lane”.

Anyone interested in applying for an apartment or is interested in knowing more about becoming a supporter of the Trust should contact the Trust via www.midhurstclt.org. We will shortly be inviting potential tenants to apply and if you are a registered supporter, you will receive prior notification of this.



We are constantly looking for more potential projects/sites in the area.

These projects only come about through the support and commitment that the South Downs National Park Authority and Chichester District Council to help us obtain these key assets for the benefit of Midhurst and the area around it. Indeed, our properties in Lamberts Lane, built by Metis, only came about through the strong support we had from both SNDP and CDC.

When we have some more specific information and timings we plan to hold regular Town Hall Meetings to keep the community up to date. In the meantime, we appreciate your continued support.

Land Wanted

We are always keen to hear about land available for the construction of affordable homes for local people.

Midhurst Community Land Trust is currently seeking opportunities for land acquisition that would be suitable for the development of sustainable housing.  As soon as information becomes available on our developments and the availability of accommodation, we will publish is on our housing and accommodation page and through our Facebook page.

If you have land that you think might be suitable for development – whether existing housing exists there or not – please let us know by contacting us and we will discuss with you on a confidential basis.


At the moment we are working with Chichester District Council and The South Downs National Park Authority to gain advice and arrange funding.

South Downs National Park Authority

In order to deliver larger scale projects, we may partner with local and regional providers.