Applying for a Midhurst Community Land Trust Home

Affordable Housing for the Midhurst Area



The 5 Steps to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home


The 5 Steps to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home



Read the 4 Principles to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home


Read the 4 Principles to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home



Read the Allocations Policy to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home.


Read the Allocations Policy to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home.

We are actively seeking opportunities for land acquisition that would be suitable for the development of sustainable housing. As soon as information becomes available on our developments and the availability of accommodation, they will be published under the Projects and Partnerships page.

The 5 Steps to holding the keys of a Midhurst Community Land Trust home

1. Initial Conversation

An initial conversation with the MCLT Chair or a member of the MCLT Allocations Committee to decide if an application is worth proceeding with and if so to establish which MCLT home may be appropriate and available. Information will also be shared concerning the policies of MCLT including Payment of Rent, Anti – social Behaviour, keeping pets etc.

2. Application and Assessment

This step seeks to ensure that all the criteria as determined by the Allocations Policy (Section 3) are met.

Evidence of meeting the criteria will be asked for at this stage by the completion of an application form.

Questions in the form will determine the present circumstances of the applicant and eligibility from a financial point of view including income savings and debt status. Applicants will be asked to state their regular monthly income and to give approval for a credit check to be made.

At this stage references may be taken up from employers and previous landlords.

3. Interview

Following receipt of the application form, if the criteria for the allocation of a home are met and a suitable one is available, applicants will meet with 2 or 3 members of the Allocations Committee who, following that meeting, will determine whether an offer of a home should be made.

4. Receive Offer

The applicant will sign a legal agreement which will include a commitment to give reasonable care to the property both inside and out and to seek to be a good neighbour.

5.Become a registered supporter of MCLT

If not already a supporter, the successful applicant will be asked to become a registered supporter of MCLT. This shows support for MCLT and will entitle the applicant to participate in the general meetings of the CLT and to receive regular bulletins.

The 4 Principles

1. Fairness

Allocation of units will be determined solely on the extent to which the criteria outlined in the allocations policy have been met and therefore will be free from discrimination

2. Transparency

Applicants will receive feedback on their application. It will be made clear in the process who should be contacted when issues arise. Honesty and openness on the part of all is expected.

3. Simplicity

To make the allocation criteria as simple as possible.

4. Legality

Allocations to be made in accordance with the Disability and Discriminations Act & the Race Equality Act. Process adheres to GDPR 2018. Financial transactions and services offered in accordance with FCA.

The Allocations Policy

NB Please see the schedule at the end of this Policy with amendments specific to the allocation of the apartments at Egmont Road Easebourne.

1. Background

1.1 Midhurst Community Land Trust Ltd is Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number: 10887222), registered under the Companies Act 2006 whose registered office is Midhurst Community Land Trust, Greens Court, West Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9NQ. Midhurst CLT is also a Community Land Trust and is hereinafter referred to as the “Trust”.

2. Aims

2.1 To provide low cost affordable housing to rent or buy:

2.1.1 for those in housing need with a local connection who have limited or minimal financial resources; and

2.1.2 exempted key workers.

3. Definitions

3.1 “Local Connection

A local connection means having one or more of the following connections the parishes of Midhurst Easebourne, West Lavington, Redford, Bepton, Stedham and Cocking (the “District”):

3.1.1 As a priority, been continuously and permanently resident in the District for at least 5 of the last ten years. Otherwise and at the next level of priority, they shall have been continuously and permanently resident in the District for at least the past two years. In either case, residency should have been out of choice;

3.1.2 A family connection family being defined as the applicant’s natural or adoptive mother, father, son or daughter – who was or has been a permanent resident of the District for a continuous period of not less than 10 years. If this criterion is not fully met then the period may be reduced to 5 years;

3.1.3 Been in continuous permanent (over 16 hours per week) full time employment or self-employment in the District over at least the preceding 2 years

3.2 “Exempted key workers

Exempted key workers are those individuals considered by the Trust to be essential for the sustainable development of the welfare, health, education and business life of the District and the community. Exempted key workers may be given priority in situations where there is a recognised priority need in employment.

3.3 “Housing Need

Applicants must be in “housing need”. This means the circumstances where the individual or household is currently occupying accommodation that is substandard or unsuitable for its requirements, causes financial hardship and/or which has an income that is too low either to buy or rent (suitable) accommodation appropriate to their circumstances on the open market. For these purposes:

Substandard” means accommodation, which is not appropriate from a health or safety perspective, regardless of any particular household’s circumstances. This includes accommodation/property, which is:

3.3.1 structurally unsound, or

3.3.2 in serious disrepair, or

3.3.3 not self-contained, or

3.3.4 suffering from serious dampness or cold or infestation, or

3.3.5 lacking basic amenities, and

Unsuitable” means accommodation which is not appropriate for day-to-day living taking into account the particular circumstances and reasonable aspirations of the household in question, the broad test of reasonableness being what a mainstream social landlord would expect to provide for the household in question. Relevant considerations include:

3.3.6 excessive costs to the household (including costs of ‘using’ the accommodation, such as heating)

3.3.7 overcrowding, for example where different sex children aged 10 or over have to share a bedroom with a sibling, or where there are more than two children in a bedroom, or where rooms such kitchens and living rooms are used as bedrooms

3.3.8 risk of the household’s occupation of the accommodation being brought to an end without reasonable cause and against their wishes.

3.3.9 not enabling the meeting of the needs of a person with an infirmity, a physical disability or specific social or care needs.

3.4 “Limited or minimal financial resources” include day to day debt obligations because of unexpected events or unforeseen changes that impacts their financial status, for example changes in income or expenditure due to health or domestic relationships and changes in employment status (such as losing a job or having hours reduced).

3.5 “Affordability” The most common way of assessing affordability is via a housing cost to income ratio; i.e. how much of a household’s net income is taken up by their housing costs. As a general rule we will adopt what research suggests i.e. a range from 25% to 35% of gross household income to be the threshold of affordability, above which households are likely to have financial difficulties.

4. Application Of Criteria

4.1 The Trust or the Trust’s agent will be responsible for lettings. Residents will be tenants of the Trust.

4.2 The Trust or the Trust’s Agent will be responsible for the allocation of property to purchase.

4.3 Residents must be prepared to sign a code of conduct highlighting the behaviour that will be expected concerning payment of rents, maintenance of property and anti – social behaviour.

5. Advertising Of Vacancies

5.1 The Trust will hold an open meeting 6 months before the expected completion date of the properties to provide information and advice.

5.2 Rented properties will be advertised in ways deemed most appropriate.

5.3 Trust will use local communications to ensure as many local people as possible know about the vacancy and how to apply.

6. The Offer Process

The Trust or the Trust’s Agent will carry out a home visit to verify the information provided by the applicant. All applicants who are being considered for rented housing will be visited and interviewed as part of the allocation process.

7. Disputes Procedure

7.1 The Trust will use its reasonable endeavours to resolve any issues, complaints or disputes in respect of the operation of this Allocations Plan or any other matter pertaining to this Allocations Plan amicably, through discussion and cooperation.

7.2 Any complaints or matter of dispute involving the Trust’s agent from an applicant or a third party regarding the performance or non-performance of obligations under this Allocations Plan or any other matter pertaining to this Allocations Plan should usually be addressed or referred to the Trust which will be proactive in resolution.

8. Legal Succession

Where a Party changes its name or legal identity but otherwise retains the same function and purpose through succession, all duties and obligations under this Allocation Plan will automatically transfer to the successor.

9. Variation

9.1 This Allocations Plan and its provisions shall only be capable of amendment by a written agreement signed by the Trust.

9.2 The Trust may vary the allocation criteria and process at its discretion.

9.3 If an allocation for housing is granted, it is personal to the applicant and cannot be transferred to anyone else. Consideration to a request for a transfer of the allocation agreement can be made to the Trust but there is no automatic right to grant such a transfer.

10. Review

10.1 From time to time this allocations policy will be reviewed.


Allocations Policy for the apartments at Egmont Road


Paragraphs 3.4 to 3.6 to be the same as paragraphs 3.3 to 3.5 of the original Allocations Policy.

Paragraphs 4 to 10 will be the same as paragraphs 4 to 10 of the original Allocations Policy., although paragraph 4.2 shall be deleted.



1.1 Midhurst CLT Ltd is Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number: 10887222), registered under the Companies Act 2006 whose registered office is Old Library, Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DQ. In addition, it is a registered charity. Midhurst CLT is also a Community Land Trust and is hereinafter referred to as the “Trust”.



2.1 To provide low cost social and affordable housing to rent:

2.1.1 as a priority for those with a Local Connection (defined below) but if there are none with a Local Connection, for those with a District Connection (defined below) in both cases in housing need and who have limited or minimal financial resources; and/or

2.1.2 Exempted key workers.



3.1 “Local Connection

A Local Connection means having one or more of the following connections with the parish of Easebourne (“Parish”):

3.1.1 As a priority, been continuously and permanently resident in the Parish for at least 5 of the last ten years. Otherwise and at the next level of priority, they shall have been continuously and permanently resident in the Parish for at least the past two years. In either case, residency should have been out of choice;

3.1.2 A family connection, family being defined as the applicant’s natural or adoptive mother, father, sibling or adult children, who was or has been a permanent resident of the Parish for a continuous period of not less than 10 years. If this criterion is not fully met, then the period may be reduced to 5 years;

3.1.3 Been in continuous permanent (over 16 hours per week) full time employment or self-employment in the Parish over at least the preceding 2 years.

3.2 “District Connection”

A District Connection means having one or more of the following connections with the parishes of Midhurst, Easebourne, West Lavington, Redford, Woolbeding, Bepton, Stedham and Cocking (“District”):

3.2.1 As a priority, been continuously and permanently resident in the District for at least 5 of the last ten years. Otherwise and at the next level of priority, they shall have been continuously and permanently resident in the District for at least the past two years. In either case, residency should have been out of choice;

3.2.2 A family connection, family being defined as the applicant’s natural or adoptive mother, father, sibling or adult children,  who was or has been a permanent resident of the District for a continuous period of not less than 10 years. If this criterion is not fully met, then the period may be reduced to 5 years;

3.2.3 Been in continuous permanent (over 16 hours per week) full time employment or self-employment in the District over at least the preceding 2 years.

3.3 “Exempted key workers

Exempted key workers are those individuals considered by the Trust to be essential to the sustainable development of the welfare health education and business life of the District. However priority will be given to Exempted key workers in the field of healthcare or care in the community of the District.